What are the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids?

Omega-3 fatty acids are present in foods as well as dietary supplements and they assist the cell membranes around the cells in human body to work well. acids are a type of fat that your body cannot make on its own. It is the most essential fat that your body needs and so you have to consume them in other forms to lead a happy life.
There are three types of omega-3 fatty acid:
- Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
- Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
- Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
Fish is the best source of this omega3 acids but when you are a vegan, there are still ways for you to in take this kind of fatty acids that is through some plants. You can get so many benefits regarding your health when you take these
omega-3 Fatty Acids. Some of them are listed below:
- Mitigate inflammation – Omega-3 fatty acids used to slow down the production of substances that are released during the inflammatory response. Thus, it helps to reduce the process of inflammation, which has links to various cardiovascular diseases.
- Lessen the risk of heart attack – There is some evidence that consuming omega-3 supplements may reduce one’s risk of heart attack. It will show a lower risk of sudden cardiac death due to abnormal heart rhythm. So, you can live more days without any worry about your heart disease.
- Help losing weight – Another good thing that you will experience by consuming omega-3 supplements is, it will help a person to lose weight. So, you will stop gaining weight and it will help you to stay fit forever.
- Health of infants – Children of mothers who consumed large amounts of fish oil supplements were less likely to develop asthma than children of mothers who did not consume them. So, it is clear that it shows greater effects to people who are consuming it.
So, there are more benefits that one can get from consuming Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega 1280 mg Lemon 180 Softgels, omega 3 supplements.
Food sources for omega- 3 fatty acid
Here are some of the food items that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, take a look at them.
· Eating natural and fresh foods
· Consuming fruits and vegetables everyday
· Eat peas, beans, and nuts.
· Have fish, walnuts, flaxseed oil, and green leafy vegetables.
· Drink water, tea, non-fat dairy and red wine.
· Avoid trans-fats and limit intake of saturated fats.
· Limit eating glycemic foods.
Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential part of the nutrition of an individual and it will contribute to the basic health of all cells in the body. But the thing is most of the persons do not get enough fatty acid and so they have to include them in their diet through supplements.