Reasons why positive beta HCG does not always means you are pregnant

If you have missed your period and assume that you might be pregnant, a home urine test is your first step to consider. The home urine test kit works as following- you take a few drops from the first urine of the day and place it to get tested. The home urine pregnancy test kit do not adhere to any complex mechanism, it only detects if there are enoughhuman chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) that would say that you are pregnant.
Presence of hCG hormone in the urine is always rendered as being pregnant. The hCG hormone is formed in the placenta. It nourishes and protects the egg after it has been fertilized and attached to the uterine wall. While this is the usual process of detecting hCG and confirming pregnancy via both blood test and urine test, there are many other reasons where positive beta hCG do not obviously lead to being pregnant.
Malignancy and cancer
Patients who are found positive with malignancy are often detected with higher hCG level in their urine, as well as blood. Cancer cells are often found making hCG hormone inside the human body. With different types of cancer that we suffer from, some of those are really capable of extracting hCG hormone. Gestational trophoblastic diseases and the germ cell tumours of the testes are often responsible for a higher level of hCG hormone in human body. However, as testiculartumours or diseases related to that part of the body is only detected among men, the chances of pregnancy are not there at all. It proves that even if you are not pregnant, the hCG hormone can be there in your body for different situations and irrespective of genders.
Pituitary hCG
Although it is the placenta that produces and increases the beta levelsin a woman’s body if the egg is fertilized and sat well in the uterus wall. But there are also the pituitary extracted hCG that may test positive even if you are not pregnant. Like many other homones, the pituitary gland in the human brain is able to emit hCGhormone that dictates the function of many endocrine organ systems and regulate the same. However, thyroid stimulating hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormonethat are extracted by the pituitary have the similar structure to that of hCG hormone, which often plays with the test results. Pituitary hCG is usually found among women who fall in the age group of 40- 55 years of old. As this age group generally do not usually go for pregnancy thinking itwould be too late and some even enter in their menopause, the reason of hCG in their urine and blood is very lower concentration of pituitary hCG. If tested, these women may result into positive pregnancies, but pituitary hormone does not grow as rapid in blood as usually it does if women are found pregnant.
Antibodies and biochemical pregnancy sometimes are also the reason why hCG is found in urine even if there is no pregnancy.