Perfection Looms Large With the Constipation Treatment Thanks to CBD Suppositories

Constipation can be a symptom of a serious illness and can also lead to health complications. Therefore, this problem should be consulted with your doctor.
A warning signal may also be a change in the appearance of the stool, e.g. its shape, which may be associated with narrowing of the intestinal lumen due to neoplastic infiltration. In addition, to visit a doctor should lead us to constipation, which persist chronic and persist despite lifestyle modifications, including diet. The melting CBD Suppositories can be a perfect solution to this.
Unfortunately, although constipation affects approximately 30 percent
population, and in Poland every year sell 20 million packages of drugs for this ailment is still a shameful problem, which we do not want to talk to either your relatives or the doctor – the specialist pointed out.
Types Of Constipation
Random constipation: we talk about it when constipation occurs due to various situations (eg travel, sudden change in diet).
Short-term constipation is usually periodic and recurrent. It is characterized by the fact that constipation mixes with the stages of proper defecation.
This type of constipation, if it cannot be eliminated, requires a gastrointestinal test to establish an objective cause. There can be many reasons, and each of them usually requires consultation with a doctor. Testing is all the more urgent, the more constipation they have.
Constipation is very often referred to as habitual or atonic
Most often, however, we encounter idiopathic constipations that are caused by disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This type of constipation is diagnosed in about 90% of people. This type of constipation is associated with inadequate diet, low physical activity and low hydration.
Constipation – Causes
Possible causes of constipation should be mentioned
Neurological disorders (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord tumor or cerebrovascular disease and diabetic neuropathy).
- Elongation of the large intestine with disorders in the vein,
- Enlargement of the large intestine due to lack of nerve ganglia,
- Situational reasons (eg long-term travel, lack of possibility of defecation, long-term lying in bed),
- Stenosis of the intestinal lumen by a tumor growing inside the intestine or pressing the intestine from the outside,
- Functional disorders (e.g. habitual constipation or sphincter spasm),
- Diabetes,
- Hypothyroidism,
- Endometriosis,
- Ovarian / uterine cancer,
- Hernia,
Attention! Some drugs can also cause constipation. It is recommended that each time check whether the drugs: analgesics, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, containing calcium or aluminum, anesthetics, drugs for hypertension, contraceptives – do not cause constipation.
Symptoms Of Constipation
Among the symptoms that accompany constipation, we most often distinguish:
- Excretion of hard stool accompanied by pain,
- Nausea,
- Bloating,
- Lack of appetite,
- Dizziness,
- Belching,
- Feeling of fullness (caused by gases accumulated in the intestine, which can not get outside because the stool is in the bowel),
- Stool with a small mucus (due to irritation of the intestinal mucosa),
- Feeling distended in the supra and midbrain,
- Fever as an accompanying symptom,
- Weight loss,
- Blood in stools,
- Anemia,
- Night abdominal pain.
Diagnosis Of Constipation
The patient who goes to the doctor with symptoms of constipation is first subjected to medical history.